23 jun 2012

::: Flawless Summer Lovin' Cart Sale :::

Flawless Summer Lovin' Cart Sale_Treasure Hunt 2012 POSTER 

Flawless Summer Lovin' Cart Sale

*P* Zoe Bangles ~4 Colors~

Also other items with sale prices

::: Weekly Winners!!! :::

Peta Pond    &   Alexandria616

Congrats !!!
They'll get the stuff they like the most in my store...
Thanks everyone to keep my in-world group !

Visit my store for more info:

10 jun 2012

::: Weekly Winners are.. :::

Kelz Spiegel   &   Igeli

Congrats !!!
They'll get the stuff they like the most in my store...
Thanks everyone to keep this group !

Mainstore Location:

2 jun 2012

::: Now on Sale :::

::: SVPAP Project Rescue :::

SVPAP Project Rescue
June 1-22

This is my New Creaction 100% Donated to this project
*P* Belly Piercing K1 ~Colors~ SVPAP Project Rescue

Find it here:

 It is an event (Starts June 1 - Ends June 22) thought to collect money for the Society Protective Valencian of Animals and Plants. This Animal protection association that welcomes in the moment 500 animals in its center between dogs and cats, is spending now one of the most critical situations of its history. 

Unfortunately, for clippings of budgets and debts of the Public administrations, a series of indebtednesses has been created with providers and workpeople. These debts have taken to the judicial route and there is no money to overcome to these expenses.

Society Protective Valencian of Animals and Plants (SVPAP) is a private, independent, apolitical association and without lucre fortitude. 

::: The Accesories Hunt Gifts :::

The Accesories Hunt
June 1-31
$0l - Find the Red Shopping Bag
P Chest Piercing K1 ~Black~ Woman P Chest Piercing K1 ~Black~ Man

Hint at the mainstore entrance

::: Men Only Hunt Gift :::

Men Only Hunt
May 26th - June 9th
$0l - Find the iPod (Mesh)
*P* Unisex Facial Piercings ~Serie Z1~ MOH Gift

Hint at the mainstore entrance